#Omori Photo Album
aroace-poly-show · 2 years
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omori photo album redraw!! i figured this one would be fun with all the colors :D
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fried-manto · 2 years
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Photograph recreation!
Sunny on a sunny beach day!
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zipsunz · 1 year
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my photos for the omori redraw project !!
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naonap · 1 year
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i saw an old photo of me hiding in a basket and i thought it was a very sunny thing for me to do so i
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polaroid-petals · 2 months
Do you ever think about Mari and Basil's friendship and how it persists in every version, linking them even deep within Sunny's repressed subconscious?
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floofery · 1 year
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Selfie time!!
A wip, idk if I have the motivation to finish this? maybe I will idk
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shewaslikeasunflower · 10 months
it means everything.
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mcrunchybones · 1 year
something something photography being the art of memory and recording and basil being the photographer something something the way hes always the witness and never the subject and maybe he doesnt think he deserves to be the subject something something taking a photograph being the act of freezing a moment in time forever and basil (and sunny by extension) never being able to grow up and move on from what they witnessed the day mari died
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woodchipp · 3 months
Alright, so
It’s pretty obvious that OMORI’s cast was intended to be seen as a “found family” of sorts - Mari’s the mom, Hero’s the dad, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil are their kids and Sunny’s the baby. It’s supposed to underscore how ostensibly sweet and awesome their friendship was. But IMO there was a different way for the game to use this trope.
It could’ve been deconstructed.
I think it’d have been interesting if the game kept the sugarcoated “family” restricted to Headspace and used the real friend group to show why that trope wouldn’t work out in the real world. Mari’s horrible home life (and her general obsession with being perfect stemming from that) could've compelled her to fashion herself into a “mom” for her friends because a) she’d want to make sure they feel safe and cared for since, well, she and Sunny didn’t get to experience that 🙂 and b) her parents are unreasonably restrictive with her even though she’s the “golden child”, so she really wants to feel in control of something in her life for once.
Tying into the game’s focus on escapism, the group’s “found family” shtick could’ve been framed as one big form of escapism for most of the people involved - they get to pretend everything’s fine and they have everything they could ever ask for because they have their friendship. Basil and Aubrey would’ve seen the group as the family they never had and Hero would’ve seen it as a way to get his mind off his mom’s death (at least until Kel joined the group). Sunny would probably just be happy to have friends, ig lol
Over time, however, the kids’ issues would get increasingly apparent. Maybe seeing his grandma’s health deteriorate would make Basil’s abandonment issues flare up and he’d become firmly convinced he’s unwanted in the group even though everyone’s trying their hardest to make him feel welcome. Maybe Sunny’s resentment of his parents’ favoritism towards Mari and growing sick of being seen as “the baby” of the group despite basically being his besties’ therapist would make him more snippy. Maybe Kel and Aubrey’s squabbles would become exhausting because it’d seem like they do nothing but argue all the time. Maybe Mari would find herself spending less and less time with her friends due to her parents' demands and her burn-out from incessantly working to meet said demands.
Naturally, she would feel additional pressure to maintain her “family” and fix everyone’s problems, but here’s the catch - she wouldn’t be able to, as much she’d want to and as much as she’d try. She is, after all, a 16 yo teenager with a bevy of her own problems she uses her “found family” as a bandaid for. 
She would be aware of that. And it’d gnaw at her.
Cue the recital argument 🙂
Ironically, I think the group’s dissolution would be the best ending for them in this case. The game could even make a point that while their bond helped them get through their childhood years, it’s unsustainable in the present day due to their issues, which they need to work on before they could have a shot at reuniting again
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 2 months
Welcome to RAINWORLD! Why is everything so dull?
Finally, the RAINWORLD sheet is finished! Now expect me to ramble about this different kind of headspace.
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Now, to start this off in case if someone is confused..
RAINWORLD is a headspace that connects the outside of SORROWSPACE, and also where SUNNY has created to cope about the guilt he has been through, but this time.. this headspace is rainy season. Because it always rains. OMORI is a blue boi instead of a ying yang, both their friends are in a dull color.. except for MARI, the person with a bright color.
And I know you may be wondering, "why is OMORI and MARI the only ones who had the bright colors but not their friends?"
First of all, KEL, HERO,BASIL and AUBREY had their own each problems. But they still had their own happiness. While for MARI and SUNNY..?
They both witnessed BASIL getting strucked by lightning.
MARI has to call the ambulance while SUNNY had witness a horrific scene ever.. after being told that BASIL is alive but in a coma.
MARI attempted to reconnect to SUNNY, but yet he is unfortunately consumed by guilt for not saving his best friend. So he locked himself away. It caused the two siblings to be separated in different rooms. But at least.. they did manage to reconnect.
But for now, ever since BASIL is in a coma, both MARI and HERO has to go to spring college, AUBREY has to stay in KEL and HERO's house because she is sick of her dysfunctional family(iykyk).. but for SUNNY, he is all alone. But he is not like the original.. instead, his mom and dad are there. Tho they can be busy sometimes..
SUNNY sometimes let KEL and AUBREY inside just for a sleepover or to hang out, even though he knows that the two are very concerned for him. But all what SUNNY do is to always lie.
For the RAINWORLD encounters, each of one from the friends acted very very differently based on their ways to cope with sadness. Kel is MASKING with happiness to not show his sadness, AUBREY is also masking with happiness to not show her anger away, HERO is masking his sadness away to spread positivity, BASIL is suffering from toxic positivity, OMORI is already suffering but he lies a lot. And MARI is attempting to make things right. That's why everything in RAINWORLD is always dull, despite happiness is showing.. it is always dull.
Oh right, did I mention about what will the bosses be? Not sure yet, but some of them will be there while some will have different bosses.
Also, fun RAINWORLD facts:
Since Sunny did not get a violin, he dreams what was like to have a violin. Instead, OMORI has a violin instead of a knife.
But MARI has a knife in RAINWORLD. Why? That will be important later.
Aubrey and Kel used to always bicker, but now it unfortunately recedes.. so Kel is officially protective to her while Aubrey is confused, but wanted to protect Kel back.
Both BASIL and HERO are healers.
The BLACKSPACE is now called TRAUMASPACE, OMORI has to find 10 black puzzles to unlock it.
There is no SOMETHING's unfortunately.
And as you can see, HERO and MARI had their matching colors.. that means they became a couple in the RW.
The SPIRIT version of BASIL will exactly be different because of what SUNNY sees.
And that will be all, hope you enjoy!
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seven-oh-four · 1 year
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SUNNY tells BASIL things too. BASIL doesn't just dump all of his problems on SUNNY. They talk to each other.
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aroace-poly-show · 2 years
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new sketchbook!! it had this custom cover thingy where you can add a drawing but i took the opportunity to add my omori photo album and new sanrio stickers :D
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humornaut · 1 year
A Silly Little Post Regarding Mari's Birthday
Hey everyone! I haven't posted in a bit, but I kinda wanted to throw this here. I've spoken about it on both Twitter and Reddit, so this is just rehashing stuff I've mentioned before.
Mari's birthday. Officially, it is March 1st. This makes sense as a little joke, since it shortens to Mar1! However, there is something that has always bothered me about this.
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143, as I've mentioned before, is a big number within Omori. If we take Mari's stated birthday, and count the days to Sunny's birthday (which is interestingly the date of the moon landing, a fact that is drawn attention to in Breaven), we get 142 days.
Why would Omocat, someone who is seemingly so fixated on this number, stop this date one number short? We may be able to assume that the non-Sunny or Basil birthdays weren't decided on until after the game was completed, since there are no references to them in game, but still. Was the reference to Mari's name that important?
What if the information that we have been told regarding Mari's birthday is incorrect, or otherwise misleading?
Taking a Leap
There is something special about March 1st. It is the day after the last day of February. Not just February 28th, but February 29th. Consider that someone born on February 29th of a leap year would almost always celebrate their birthday on March 1st. For all intents and purposes, 75% of the time, that would be when their age officially changes.
Had Mari been born on February 29th of a leap year, then length of time between the date of her birth and the date of Sunny's birth would be 143 days, and still allow her to have the "Mar1" reference most of the time! However, I would not mention this in a post like this if this were just a neat idea. I believe there is some evidence for it!
A Quick Note on Hero's Age
Before getting into the evidence directly, I would like to bring up something regarding ages in Omori, and how we understand them.
Within Headspace, Hero says that he is 15 years old. That means we can place him at 15 pre-canon, and 19 in the current day, right? This is how most people interpret it. But I have an issue with it.
When Hero returns during Two Days Left to see the hero sandwich that was purchased for him, he makes the following comment:
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What this tells us is that this is Hero's second summer back from college, at least. Why is this relevant? In the United States, where the game takes place, your average person turns 19 during their freshman year of college, and 20 during their second year. Considering Hero's January 1st birthday, this should actually make him 20 during the game's events, and 16 for most of the pre-canon events that we see, with the notable exception that he would be 15 during Christmas. Considering Hero's over-achiever status, one could possibly make the assumption that he simply skipped a year, explaining him being 19 but in his second year of college, but we should also take into account that we are directly told that he barely left his bed for about a year "even for school". Even graduating on time would've been a big ask, and skipping grades isn't all that common to begin with.
There are three much more likely explanations here, in my opinion:
Hero's age within Headspace is taken from Christmas/before most of the events of the photo album, explaining why he would be 15. Of course, the photo album exists within Headspace, which Basil didn't receive until after Hero's birthday, but this could simply be Sunny's mind cherry-picking. It makes sense that he would generally want to remember his interactions with his friends prior to when the violin entered his life. Regardless, this concept is impossible to confirm, as to my knowledge, the age of Aubrey, Sunny, and Basil are not discussed, so we wouldn't be able to go off of them being 11.
Hero's birthday inconsistency can be chalked up to no one other than Sunny or Basil having a stated birthday in the game itself. It's most apparent with Aubrey's birthday, where Basil took pictures of an event only two days after, but never mentions hers, implying that the other characters simply did not have concrete birthdays prior to the publication of the birthday chart.
At some point in development, the ages of the younger kids in the album were switched from 13 to 12. We know this because an earlier version of the album messages exists within Omori's files. From this, we might also extrapolate that Hero's age was also reduced from 16 to 15, and they simply forgot or didn't care to correct the line implying that he has been in college for two years.
Ultimately, there is no actual evidence for any of the potential explanations for this inconsistency. However, we should also consider that there is no actual evidence that Hero and Mari are even the exact same age! We take the fact that they are as a given, but Mari's age is never discussed like the rest of the group. Considering there are multiple mentions of her taking college prep courses leading up to the incident, but none for Hero despite his over-achiever tendencies and similarly future-minded parents, we could very well assume that Mari is actually a year ahead of Hero.
Whatever you believe, I did want to bring this up while discussing Mari's birthday, since it likely does play into how much you buy into this. I also believe that it is relevant that Mari be 4 years older than Sunny, for reasons that I will discuss later.
The Evidence
I would like to acknowledge that there is nearly zero direct evidence either inside or outside the game to support or deny the idea that Mari was born on February 29th of a leap year. Basil skips her birthday in his album, absolving him of having to comment on any weirdness surrounding it, and we have not yet had Mari's birthday happen on a leap year for it to be commented on otherwise.
Of course, the 143 connection could serve as evidence in of itself, but is there anything more?
Well, for this to even be possible, we must be able to show that Mari could've even been born on a leap year. How do we do that, when specific years are never mentioned?
Well, for one, we know that at the very least, pre-canon happens in the 90's, due to Hero's portrait in Last Resort. In addition, there are several days in the album that have to be school days, and March 9th and March 10th must be a Saturday and Sunday, respectively. Without getting into too much detail, this leaves us with two possible years for the year of the photo album: 1991 and 1996. Using various circumstantial evidence such as the kind of technology we see represented, which of those dates would be closer to Omocat's childhood, and some merch related evidence involving the Hooligans jacket, I'd like to focus in on 1996 as our date, though this can also work for 1991 with the evidence we have.
If we work off of the assumption that Mari was 16 years old when she died, then that means that she would've been born in 1980. That's a leap year, showing that it is possible that she was born on that date! Of course, this doesn't work if you believe that she was 15 when she died, but 15 would also work if the game takes place in 1991. However, I do believe that we are to believe that Mari was 16 when she died. Consider the following:
Mari is born in 1980; a leap year, her birthday to July 20th is 143 days.
4 years later, Sunny is born in 1984; the length of time with their birthdays is 143 days.
12 years later, the year of the album. Mari turns 16 and Sunny turns 12; their birthdays are 143 days apart.
4 years later, in the year 2000, Sunny leaves his house. 143 days from her birthday to his.
Of course, it still does work if Mari is 15 and the game takes place in 1991 pre-canon, but I think the four year age difference is relevant as well, due to how it lines up above, plus Hero being in his second year of college implies that the common interpretation of Hero being 19 in the real world sections of the game is actually inaccurate.
None of this really adds up to anything for certain. However, we are about half a year away from the first time Mari's birthday has happened during a leap year since the release of the game, and I would very much argue that the appearance of this number is not accidental.
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nonbinaryaubrey · 2 years
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pinwheel locations - faraway town
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pinwheel placements - memory lane
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arifuretaboy · 2 years
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77boness · 2 years
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happy birthday omori! ❤️
full photo/other filter utc
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